A unique Change Management Instrument for Behavior Change
Human behaviour is fascinating. It is displayed consciously and unconsciously. But what is behaviour exactly? How does it come about? And how can we change it? The Change Driver answers all these questions. To give you a small taste here are some brief answers.
What is behaviour? Behaviour is the physical action or reaction that can be observed. In short, it is what we do or don’t do. Not acting is also an act. Neurologically behaviour is accelerating (getting excited) or breaking (being inhibited). In this way we navigate through life.
How does behaviour come about? Our behaviour arises in the interplay of body, emotion, thoughts and environment. Together these form the building blocks of behaviour that we show and experience everyday. The interaction between these building blocks produces automatic, attentional and autonomous behaviour.
How does behaviour change? That depends on the type of change. Learning new skills is completely different from breaking habits or the socialisation into new groups and communities. What is common in all changes is that someone will have to do most of the learning him or herself. Each individual is behind the wheel driving their own change challenge. The destination of change is to start acting differently and the learning journey is the objective.
What is in The Change Driver? This instrument is made up of two parts.
Part 1 explains what behaviour is, how it comes about and how it can be changed. The behaviour framework gives an overview of automatic, attentional and autonomous behaviour. It provides a common frame of reference to ensure we have a mutual understanding of behaviour.
Part 2 is the change instrument. Numerous rules and pitfalls are provided as do’s and don’ts. Scoring these will give you the insight into which elements are overrated and which are left untouched. This will allow you to take appropriate measures to give change a maximum chance of success. Various aids will help you decide, like ten important pitfalls and the basic principles to learn how to change behaviour quickly.