The Change Driver
A unique Change Management Instrument for Behavior Change Human behaviour is fascinating. It is displayed consciously and unconsciously. But what is behaviour exactly? How does it come about? And how …
A unique Change Management Instrument for Behavior Change Human behaviour is fascinating. It is displayed consciously and unconsciously. But what is behaviour exactly? How does it come about? And how …
What triggers behaviour? It is caused by the playful interaction of body, emotion, thoughts and environment. Together these form the building blocks of the Behaviour Framework. Let’s have a look …
The basic behavioral framework reflects the coherence of our inner and outer world with the components that cause behaviour. This shows that the unconscious is constantly stimulated by what the …
Unraffling the mystique Behaviour is an observable physical (re)action. In short, something that someone does or doesn’t do. So not acting is also an act. For example, letting things be …
A rule of thumb is a general principle of how to behave. It determines what is useful and easy to do under certain circumstances. Rules are commonly used to resolve …
‘What is the difference between an ostrich and a bumblebee? Well, both should not be able to fly, only the bumblebee does not adhere to this belief.’ No, this is …
Behaviour change is basically learning how to react or initiate differently from the way we normally do. This can be done in two ways. First we can purposefully think of …
Make no new year resolution ill-prepared The start of every new year is the season for change resolutions. Stale platitudes are to lose weight, eat healthier, drink less alcohol, exercise …
Power abuse is the talk of the town since Hollywood crucified Harvey Weinstein for misusing his position as career gatekeeper. With Bill Cosby sentenced and late-night hosts reacting to the …
Everyone struggles with behaviour change, especially within organisations. And there is a simple reason for this. The one size fits all planned approach to change does not work. Learning new …