The Mystique of Behaviour…
Although everyone acts all day, getting to grips with our inner workings remains a conundrum. Anxieties and seemlingly insignificant events can seriously rattle our emotional cage. Logic defying beliefs can force believers to run incredible risks and can even cause radical individuals to commit unspeakable deeds. Autocratic individuals make it a habit to create alternate false realities befitting their hunger for control. Indeed, power corrupts even the most brilliant minds to consciously abuse easy victims. Why we still wonder. Somehow in the interplay between body, emotion, thought and environment, things can go seriously haywire. How you can read in these articles.
The Change Driver
A unique Change Management Instrument for Behavior Change Human behaviour is fascinating. It is displayed consciously and unconsciously. But what is behaviour exactly? How does it come about? And how can we change it? The Change Driver answers all these…
The essence of the Behavioural Framework
What triggers behaviour? It is caused by the playful interaction of body, emotion, thoughts and environment. Together these form the building blocks of the Behaviour Framework. Let’s have a look at the different parts, starting with those that are part and parcel of any human.…
The extended Behavioural Framework
The basic behavioral framework reflects the coherence of our inner and outer world with the components that cause behaviour. This shows that the unconscious is constantly stimulated by what the senses pick up from the outside world, the signals that the body gives off, the…
What classifies as Behaviour?
Unraffling the mystique Behaviour is an observable physical (re)action. In short, something that someone does or doesn’t do. So not acting is also an act. For example, letting things be and relaxing on the couch. Therefore, telling an adolescent to get off the couch to…
Rules and Pitfalls
A rule of thumb is a general principle of how to behave. It determines what is useful and easy to do under certain circumstances. Rules are commonly used to resolve challenges quickly and to give an adequate response. This makes them highly efficient. We no…
Join Bumblebee’s yourney through the Land of Change
‘What is the difference between an ostrich and a bumblebee? Well, both should not be able to fly, only the bumblebee does not adhere to this belief.’ No, this is not a silly joke, but the bumblebee flight myth. According to well-known and undisputed aerodynamic…
Five ways to change the way we act
Behaviour change is basically learning how to react or initiate differently from the way we normally do. This can be done in two ways. First we can purposefully think of a different way of acting and second we can observe and adapt subconsciously to our…
12 Principles to Break Old Habits
Make no new year resolution ill-prepared The start of every new year is the season for change resolutions. Stale platitudes are to lose weight, eat healthier, drink less alcohol, exercise more, reduce stress, improve relationships, and save money. This year, refreshing pledges are gaining in…
How to combat Power Abuse
Power abuse is the talk of the town since Hollywood crucified Harvey Weinstein for misusing his position as career gatekeeper. With Bill Cosby sentenced and late-night hosts reacting to the irony with more irony, what will actually change. Well, Hollywood’s response thus far to power…
Five strategies to boost change summary
Everyone struggles with behaviour change, especially within organisations. And there is a simple reason for this. The one size fits all planned approach to change does not work. Learning new skills is completely different from breaking habits or the socialisation into new groups and communities.…